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Angela Hockabout

Angela Hockabout

Over her almost 7 years at Perfect Patients, Angela has advised chiropractors about web content, social media, email marketing & PPC.

Angela Hockabout

19 July 2024

Boost Your Value: Digital Marketing Tips Every Chiropractic Assistant Needs to Know

Chiropractic staff juggle many responsibilities, from greeting patients and managing files to ensuring proper billing—all while providing exceptional patient care. Now, digital marketing has also become a crucial part of the profession. According to the Perfect Patients Chiropractic State of the Industry Survey, 80% of practice managers and 51% of chiropractic assistants perform digital marketing […]

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Angela Hockabout

12 July 2024

Facilitating Connection: Authentic Website Content for Chiropractors

Still struggling to attract new patients? Maybe your website content could do more to authentically represent your care. Authenticity is the secret ingredient to creating engaging, patient-focused content that sets you apart, drawing the right audience to your practice. This kind of content goes beyond showcasing who you are—it’s about connecting with your patients by […]

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Angela Hockabout

17 June 2024

5 Summer Strategies to Attract New Chiropractic Patients

Summer is all about energy, fun, and connecting with the community. It’s true that while everyone is out enjoying the sunshine, your practice might feel a bit quieter. But instead of slowing down, see this as the perfect chance to reach out and attract new patients. In these warmer months, people are busy swimming, biking, […]

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Angela Hockabout

29 May 2024

Adding Value in an Uncertain Economy: Dr. Nathan Unruh’s Tips for Patient Retention and Business Growth

Inflation and high interest rates continue to challenge small business owners in 2024. For many chiropractors, this can mean higher costs and patients struggling to afford care. However, it’s not all doom and gloom, especially if you know how to deliver an exceptional patient experience. Practices everywhere are thriving! The key is to wow your […]

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Angela Hockabout

13 May 2024

Stop Worrying About Going Viral – 5 Tips for Creating Engaging Chiropractic Instagram Content

Everyone wants their Instagram content to go viral, but is going viral actually the best way for chiropractors to reach their business goals? You might be thinking: “What’s not to like about going viral? Viral content shows millions of people around the world how valuable chiropractic care can be!” Here’s the thing: you’re not competing […]

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Angela Hockabout

16 April 2024

Embrace Your Chiropractic Identity: The Power of Authentic Marketing with Dr. Wade

In the course of building thousands of chiropractic websites, we’ve seen patients respond best to chiropractors who express their personal chiropractic point of view in their branding, photos and content. This kind of authenticity resonates deeply with potential patients, facilitating a trust that results in more booked appointments and a stronger commitment to their care. […]

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