Perfect Patients Features & Demo Video

Perfect Patients Features & Demo Video

Grow your practice with the Perfect Patients integrated approach to digital chiropractic marketing.


Perfect Patients Demo Video

In this short 2-minute video, Bill Esteb explains how a Perfect Patients practice website
works to get you more new patients from the Internet, and proves it!

  • hansson-chiropractic
    Great TEAM, always positive - everything is possible - I like that attitude. They are very quick in responding and with immediate help/support. I can even "see" their happy faces when responding to my requests. THANK you!
    -Jasminka Hansson
  • strive-fargo

    All of your support staff are always so helpful and so fast to take care of any issues that we have. I received both a response and a resolution to my inquiry less than two hours after I sent my email (which included adding a button/link on our website). I couldn't be happier with your level of customer service, and it is the best customer service I have ever dealt with, both within and beyond the chiropractic field!

    -Travis Oxendahl
  • Larry-Montgomery
    Perfect Patients staff are always ahead of the game and keep us informed of all our patients needs and reviews! We are very satisfied and refer our colleagues to Perfect Patients!
    -Dr. Larry Montgomery
  • Kristina-Ebel2
    Having a website that runs itself is priceless in a busy office and is one less thing you need to worry about. Perfect Patients does a great job of customizing your website to fit your practice and their customer service is beyond amazing!
    -Kristina Ebel
  • dr-grant-cummings
    Perfect Patients delivers what the others kept promising.
    -Dr. Grant Cummings
  • dr-Nathaniel-Reese
    I had 3 new patients the first week my website went live.
    -Dr. Nathaniel Reese
  • dr-kelly-hall
    Customer service treats us like they have known us personally for years... and I guess they have. It is more of a relationship than a business call. It is absolutely the best. Service is Nordstrom's style.
    -Dr. Kelly Hall
  • Tim-Swift
    The best part is that every patient coming in is like a referral patient. One commented, “After looking at your website I feel like I already know you!”
    -Dr. Tim Swift
  • David-Dunn
    The website passed my expectations. I was amazed how much work went into it. It is definitely a custom site unique for who I am. I am very satisfied. Thank you!
    -David Dunn
  • dr-tony-ebel
    The SEO for Perfect Patients is hands down the best, and we generate about 5-10 NPs per month from our site.
    -Dr. Anthony Ebel