
Do Patients Engage with Your Emails?

Randi Grant

By Randi Grant

Marketing Manager

Published May 22, 2019
Updated May 10, 2020


It’s frustrating when people don’t engage with your marketing activities. You write up an article, post on social media, or send out an email campaign – and nothing comes from it.

There could be several culprits. Your messaging is off, you’re using the wrong channel, or maybe you’re not following best practices. This is often the case with email marketing.

When crafting an email to a colleague, it’s as simple as “write and send”. When marketing to patients, there’s much more to consider. For example:

  • Content should be concise and browsable
  • Subject lines should encourage readers to click
  • Content should direct users to action
  • And on and on

With email marketing, there’s a lot of opportunity…

Have an upcoming event to announce? This is an opportunity to encourage patient reactivations. Therefore, throw out a “hint.”

Have a new offer to present? Make sure your content is persuasive, but not too pushy.

If your email activities are failing, it may be time to step back and consider best practices. Read this article for actionable tips to improve your campaigns.