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Bill Esteb joins Dr. Daniel Knowles on The Mile High Podcast

Randi Grant

By Randi Grant

Marketing Manager

Published January 7, 2022
Updated July 15, 2024

Do You Want Transactional or Transformative Patient Relationships?

Perfect Patients co-founder, Bill Esteb, joins Dr. Daniel Knowles on The Mile High Podcast to discuss how to communicate from the patient’s point of view, the impact curiosity has on your patient relationships, and how curiosity can help take your patient relationships from transactional to transformative.

They also dive into the difference between having a website and having a digital marketing strategy.

Get a Free Digital Marketing Evaluation

If you have capacity for more new patients and want to take your digital marketing to the next level in 2022, request your free digital marketing evaluation. You’ll get actionable tips for improving your website and online presence, and learn more about the Perfect Patients website and digital marketing service.

Mile High 2022

Registration is open for Mile High 2022! The Mile High Weekend is an annual event that brings together chiropractors and their teams from all over the world to deepen their philosophical understanding, expand their vision, enhance their business strategies and train their team.