
Why the New Year is the Best Time to Email Your Patients

Brian Koenig

By Brian Koenig

Marketing Specialist

Published December 29, 2015
Updated October 14, 2020

2 min read

Chiropractic Email MarketingThe start of a new year. A time when people flood the gyms, plan out healthy diets, and vow other acts of self-improvement. Starting January 1, many people are ready to hit the reset button. This is a great time to tap into your patients’ desires for self-improvement and promote your practice through email marketing.

In the spirit of “new beginnings,” you should frame your chiropractic services as a betterment project. Many of us decide to break old, unhealthy habits. Others plan to better their health with weight loss and exercise programs. Chiropractic care fits right in.


Chiropractic Email Marketing to Jumpstart a Healthy Year

New Year’s resolutions present an email marketing opportunity—a time to encourage regular chiropractic appointments and remind your patients of the importance of chiropractic care to their overall health. In doing so, you’ll also show patients that you have their best interests at heart.

For example, if one of your patients has resolved to exercise more in the New Year, they should understand the benefits of having a chiropractic checkup before starting a new workout regimen. Improper spinal alignment can diminish the benefits of a toning and strengthening exercise routine.

To help them achieve their exercise goals, educate patients about the importance of getting their New Year’s resolution off to the best start possible. They may need to prep their bodies – with your services – to maximize the impact of their exercise routines.

Disclaimer: You wouldn’t want to send such an overture to your Medicare patients so as not to provide a “financial incentive” to come in, which is illegal.


A Sample Email to Your Patients

Dear Patient,

With the New Year off to a brand new beginning, it’s a great time to start over. Set new goals. Break bad habits. Resolve to become healthier.

That’s why I’m writing today.

If you’re thinking about starting a physical fitness program, losing some weight, eating a better diet, or improving some other health behavior, remember your spine! A healthy spine and nervous system should be the starting point of any New Year’s resolution for better health.

To start the New Year off on a healthy note, we’re offering chiropractic checkups at a special low fee. We’ll perform a quick check of your flexibility, reflexes, and other aspects of a brief examination. The fee for our brief exam, record update, and necessary chiropractic adjustments is just $___. That’s a savings of over $___.

Resolve to begin the year on a healthy note—and save money too! Our offer only lasts until the end of January, so call now to set your appointment for this popular annual event.

Happy New Year!


What About Your New Year’s Resolutions?

As you may remind your patients of their health, we’d like to remind you of your online marketing efforts. Maybe a New Year’s resolution for your practice is to expand your digital presence. As the online marketing world continues to evolve, it’s critical to stay current on the latest trends.