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Use Professional Photography to Tell Your Chiropractic Story

Randi Grant

By Randi Grant

Marketing Manager

Published July 12, 2021
Updated July 15, 2024

3 min read

Chiropractic website design and marketing are about telling your practice story. Showing up authentically to attract like-minded patients. One of the most powerful ways to do this digitally is with high-quality, professional chiropractic photography on your practice website.

And we’re not talking about high-quality stock photos. Prospective patients want to see you. They want to see your office and your staff. The real people behind your practice.

The reason? Trust.

Someone looking for a new chiropractor is looking for someone they can trust. To determine who they can trust, they turn to the Internet.

Studies show that even people who get a personal recommendation still look up the doctor online before scheduling an appointment.

Let’s take a look at the typical online journey of a prospective chiropractic patient:

  1. Mary Jo searches “chiropractor Boston” in Google.
  2. A website appears in the local maps results with a 5-star Google rating.
  3. She likes the 5-star rating so she clicks to visit the website.
  4. She browses the site, reading the doctor’s bio page and seeing what services they offer.
  5. Finally, she fills out the contact form requesting an appointment.

As you can see, there are several steps in the online journey where you could easily lose a prospective patient if they don’t think they can trust you. But, for the sake of this article, let’s assume that your rankings are great and you have 5-star Google reviews. You’ve passed through steps 1-3, but now the prospective patient is looking at your website.

Tell Your Practice Story With Professional Chiropractic Photography

If the prospective patient is going to move from step 4 (browsing your site) to step 5 (scheduling an appointment), you need to stand out from your competitors. Don’t just tell them why they should choose you as their chiropractor, show them with photos of yourself, your staff, and your office. Your website is an extension of your practice. So put your practice front and center.

You wouldn’t order a new sofa online without seeing the actual sofa. A stock photo of any old sofa isn’t going to cut it. So why should someone trust a stock photo of a chiropractor?

By having professional-quality photos of yourself on your practice website, you’re giving your website visitors a reason to stick around and get to know more about you.

orange dividing line

Be Authentic and Attract New Patients

Your chiropractic website photos will be most compelling if they depict natural scenes – a patient getting adjusted, your staff helping a patient at the front desk. This will allow your website visitors to see what it’s like to be your patient. If they see happy patients interacting with you and your staff, they’ll start to trust you.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when getting professional photos taken for your practice website:

  • Avoid taking pictures of an empty office. While it’s tempting to take your pictures during non-patient hours, you want to project the image of a busy, successful office that people like coming to. A prospective patient wants to see that lots of people visit your office.
  • Make sure you’re “doing something.” Handing over a piece of paper. Pointing to an area of an X-ray. Touching the part that hurts. That sort of thing. You want to avoid the appearance of your pictures appearing posed and stiff.
  • Smile! Many first-time patients are afraid of getting adjusted. If you show patients getting adjusted, and the face can be seen, it’s essential that they’re smiling or at least appearing to enjoy the experience!
  • Get a nice shot of the exterior of your practice. This helps new patients find your office on their first visit. Shoot at an angle rather than straight on and avoid showing an empty parking lot in the foreground.

The Power of Pictures

Take a look at the difference between these two versions of the same website. They’re both beautiful, but if you look closely, you’ll see that Version A uses stock photography, while Version B uses professional photos of the doctor, the office, and staff. When you look at Version B, you can picture yourself in that practice, talking to the doctor, and getting adjusted. Photos showcased on a practice website like this help visitors to get know, like, and trust you. Once they trust you, they’ll choose you as their new chiropractor.


BMC website with stock photos


BMC website with photos

Chiropractic Website Design that Showcases YOU!

Take a look at our design gallery to see more examples of practice websites that use professional photography to tell the doctor’s story. Does your chiropractic website design need an overhaul? Schedule a consultation to learn how Perfect Patients can help you.