yes-you-can-in-a-recession (1)

How Chiropractors Are Outsmarting the Looming Recession

Angela Hockabout

By Angela Hockabout

Published August 7, 2023

3 min read

With the increasing likelihood of a recession, it’s only natural for chiropractors to be concerned about the future of their practices. Although such times can be daunting, it’s important to remember that challenges often reveal hidden opportunities.

To better understand how chiropractors can turn recession anxieties into business growth strategies, we’ve consulted with two seasoned chiropractors who are facing the same economic uncertainty, yet finding ways to reach more new patients than ever.

Their practices are thriving and their patients understand the value of chiropractic care in stressful times.

The secret? It’s all about your mindset.

Let’s discover how these two chiropractors have transformed recession-dread into a catalyst for business expansion.

Reject Fear and Embrace Change: Dr. Ryan Rullitis’ Story

The idea of a recession doesn’t faze Dr. Ryan Rullitis of Westheights Chiropractic. He sees an upsurge of individuals seeking chiropractic care to alleviate the physical toll stress takes on their bodies, especially in such challenging times.

“During the recession, people are more likely to seek out chiropractic care to cope with heightened stress levels and maintain their ability to work and feed their families,” explains Dr. Rullitis.

But making his services readily available to patients when they need them the most means he must remain undeterred by recession-induced fear.

“Rather than getting lost in the chaos, I choose to focus on growth and optimistic positivity. I’ve replaced my fears with a growth mindset, and now, our practice is flourishing.”

-Dr. Ryan Rullitis

The key to Dr. Rullitis’ thriving practice amidst a recession? An amplified focus on digital marketing, as indicated by his recent upgrade to our Ultimate Plan.

“Understanding the chaos surrounding us, it’s crucial to establish ourselves as the leading practice in the area. The results have been staggering.”


Actively Seek Growth Opportunities: Insights from Dr. Mark Plotnikoff

Dr. Mark Plotnikoff of The Center for Healthy Living in Calgary, Alberta, views a slowing economy as a hidden reservoir of opportunities rather than a threat.

“Instead of thinking ‘What will happen to me during a recession?,’ start thinking ‘What opportunities might a slow-down bring me?’”

He believes a sluggish economy presents a unique opportunity to revisit, reevaluate, and reset the marketing strategies of your practice.

“Sometimes a slow down can be a great opportunity to rethink our marketing strategies, create clearer visions, and reset our goals.”

-Dr. Mark Plotnikoff

This moment of economic uncertainty is an excellent time to:

  • Reassess your marketing strategies for greater patient reach
  • Explore new methods of adding value for patients, encouraging commitment to care.
  • Streamline your operations for increased cost-effectiveness and profit without hiking patient fees.
  • Identify growth areas to attract more patients and revenue, such as new products and services.

By engaging in this introspective exercise, you could leverage an economic downturn into a huge business opportunity.


Bolstering Patient Connections Through Digital Marketing

One common piece of advice from our two practitioners? Never sacrifice your digital marketing efforts, regardless of the economic climate.

“It’s crucial to maintain a strong online presence,” advises Dr. Plotnikoff. In stressful times, your patients need you more than ever.

-Dr. Mark Plotnikoff

Implementing digital marketing strategies like personalized emails or social media posts can help acknowledge and address the stressors affecting your community.

Here are some steps to ensure your patients feel seen and understood during a recession:

  • Connect with patients via email blasts and social media posts, asking about their wellbeing and relating to what they’re going through.
  • Organize events to offer patients a de-stressing outlet and foster a sense of community.
  • Offer special promotions to facilitate the recommitment or continuation of care.
  • Share success stories to motivate your community to adhere to their care plans.
  • Follow up post-appointment to remind patients of your unwavering support.

By sharing authentically, you position yourself as more than a chiropractor – you become a trusted authority your patients naturally turn to for support.

A recession doesn’t have to signify a decline for your practice. With a positive mindset, strategic growth planning, and a robust digital presence, you’re well-equipped to weather any economic storm and even come out ahead.


Are You Recession Ready?

Make your chiropractic practice indispensable to your patients with a patient-focused website, digital marketing that educates and encourages, plus an unmatched in-office experience. Your patients will continue to turn to you for wellness care, regardless of their economic situation.

Book a Discovery Call to learn how a Perfect Patients website and digital marketing plan can keep your practice bustling, no matter the economic season.