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Why Discounts Are Not the Answer to Surviving a Recession

Randi Grant

By Randi Grant

Marketing Manager

Published October 27, 2023

3 min read

We feel the impact of economic downturns in every corner of our lives. As a chiropractor, you may be asking yourself, “Should I lower my prices and offer discounts to keep patients coming in?”

While the instinct might be to lower prices, most experts advise against it. Reducing prices inevitably leads to a dip in profits. To compensate, you’d need to significantly boost your patient numbers to maintain the same profitability.

As Harvard Business Review explains, “Money plays a funny role in the purchase process: it anchors perceived value. If you discount prices during adverse times, consumers may begin to question the original value.

So let’s explore some ways you can amplify the value you bring to the table (pun intended) instead of cutting prices.


Educate Your Audience

When times get tough, people need you more than ever. So instead of rushing to cut costs, focus on expanding your reach and showcasing the unique value you offer. After all, wellness isn’t a luxury—it’s essential.

Here are a few things to action first:

  • Reconnect with patients who might have paused their care. Remind them of the benefits and make it easy for them to schedule an appointment.
  • Leverage your active patients and ask for referrals. Have a referral program? Make sure your patients know about it.
  • Assess where most new patients are finding you. Is it through referrals, online searches, or email campaigns? Put more energy and resources into what’s working.

One key differentiator between a practice that simply sells adjustments and one that thrives is the quality of education offered. As a chiropractor, you are not only a health service provider, but also an educator. By sharing knowledge, you position yourself as an expert in your field.

Provide Value through Content

  • Workshops and Webinars: Host free or low-cost workshops/webinars on topics related to spinal health, posture, or stress relief. This showcases your expertise, adds value for current patients, and attracts potential patients.
  • Blog Posts and Articles: Regularly update your website with informative blog posts. Write about topics your patients frequently ask about. Email your patients each time you post a new article, share it on social media, and use SEO best-practices to ensure your content can be found by prospective patients searching online.
  • Social Media: Engage with your audience by sharing tips, exercises, and patient testimonials. Engage with and promote other small businesses in your area. This can build a sense of community and expand your network.

Personalize the Patient Experience

Differentiating your practice isn’t just about the services you provide, but also about the patient experience.

  • Stay in Touch: Send personalized emails or texts checking in on your patients. Celebrate their milestones, whether it’s their 10th session, their birthday, or a year since their first appointment. These communications work. It’s why we send automated birthday emails to our clients’ patients on their behalf.
  • Automate Feedback Requests: Have a system in place for patients to share their feedback. When they feel heard, they’re more likely to stay loyal and refer others. Review automation programs like Get Reviews make it easy to implement this strategy.


Team Up with Local Businesses

People celebratingNot discounting your fees doesn’t mean you shouldn’t occasionally give away something of value in order to attract new patients. For example, you can collaborate with local gyms, yoga studios, or cafes for joint promotions.

For example, a month of chiropractic care plus a gym membership at a bundled rate can seem more attractive to potential customers and it’s a great way for them to try two local businesses at a good value. Get them in the door and then you can “wow” them with your patient experience.

Leveraging social media giveaways can be a game-changer for your practice without breaking the bank. Partner with local businesses every quarter to put together an enticing prize basket. As each business promotes the giveaway and tags others, it amplifies your reach to new audiences. This not only boosts your visibility, but also brings in potential patient leads. All this, for just the price of offering a complimentary adjustment or massage.

Turn an Economic Downturn into a Thriving Practice

Facing an economic downturn can be daunting, but slashing prices isn’t the only, or even the best, response. Instead, by amplifying the value you offer, personalizing experiences, and collaborating locally, you can not only sustain, but potentially grow your chiropractic practice in any season.

Remember, your patients aren’t just seeking a service; they’re seeking an experience and results. If you can consistently offer both, you’ll be their first choice, recession or not.

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