Category Archives: Website Design

Free Webinar: 3 Reasons Your Chiropractic Website is Failing

We are pleased to announce our free upcoming webinar on January 14th at 8pm EST that explains three key pitfalls many chiropractors experience when it comes to their practice websites. In this purely informational 60-minute webinar, you’ll gain immediately actionable tips.

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3 Ingredients of an Effective Chiropractic Website

Your chiropractic website is a digital mouthpiece for your practice. It puts you in front of potential patients who are searching the Internet for a chiropractor. It’s an opportunity to persuade website visitors that you are the chiropractor of choice.

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Chiropractic Website Design That Converts New Patients

A strategic chiropractic website design is a critical business tool. It’s a way to grow your online presence and expand your patient base. In this day and age, it’s as necessary as having business cards and an office phone.

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How Mobile Responsive Design Caters to the Patient

By now, you’ve probably heard about the importance of responsive design for your chiropractic website. After all, over 50% of website visits are now coming from mobile phones or tablets. But what does it really mean to have responsive design?

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Why Your Chiropractic Website Needs Professional Photography

Building a beautiful, conversion-ready chiropractic website means not just churning out page after page of generic content and stock photography. You’ve probably heard the old adage, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” And in online marketing, it’s certainly no different. When it comes to your chiropractic website, the initial investment in professional photography is […]

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