Category Archives: News

Something Called “Local Intent”

We’ve always seen SEO as a distinction between an explicit search and an implicit search. Google calls it: local intent.

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Why Am I Here? What Do You Want Me to Do?

No, these aren’t the questions pondered by monks sitting in silent meditation! These are the questions we imagine when designing your practice website.

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Annual August Survey Coming Up!

The answers to the five questions we ask you each year provide helpful direction for our forward development and the addition of new patient generating features.

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Five New Patient Killers

“We used to get two or three new patients a month from our website, but now we’re not.” Here are the first five places we look first.

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Introducing Website Spam

Even though your Perfect Patients webmail does a great job of intercepting spam, there’s a new threat on the horizon: website spam.

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Improving Your Site’s Page Rank

In the past, SEO consultants could push a few buttons and turn a few dials and game the system. It doesn’t work like that anymore…

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