Category Archives: News

No NAPping!

One of the essentials of having a highly-visible chiropractic website is to make sure your Google Local listing is fully optimized. Think of it as your practice’s online fingerprint. Our job is to make sure your online prints match your real world prints…

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Product Vs. Service Smackdown!

As the professional practice website industry has matured over the years, several distinctions have emerged. The first, and probably the most significant is the difference between a website product and a website service.

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How to Become a Blogger

Unleash some powerful SEO results by writing your own original blog posts. Simply deploy one or more of these three strategies.

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The Conversion Experience

Would you rather have 10 visitors to your site or 1,000 visitors to your site? Careful, this is a trick question!

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It’s a Scam!

Many of our clients have received unsolicited faxes from Internet Scammers who go by the name of DNS Services out of Vancouver, WA. It’s a scam!

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Everyone’s a Critic

Used to be that a poorly prepared meal, an inept roof repair or an arrogant doctor produced negative word of mouth only amongst the small circle of friends of the dissatisfied recipient. Those days are gone.

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